Team Expectations
Kodiak Team/Classroom Expectations
Behavior Expectations
1) Respect yourself, teachers, peers, and property
2) Follow all school wide rules
3) Be on time, Prepared and ready to learn
Consequence Menu
(All students will receive an Non-Verbal and Verbal warning before the starting the Consequence Menu)
❖ Penalty Box (Consequence = Complete Choice Sheet)
❖ Penalty Box (Consequence = Team Meeting)
❖ Parent Contact (Consequence = Parent contact)
❖ Building ISS (Consequence = Building ISS & parent contact)
❖ Meeting with Administrator, Teachers, and Students (Parent contact)
❖ Office Referral
*If at any time the teacher feels the student’s behavior is severe, they have the option to go straight to an
office referral.
Restroom Passes
✓ Each student will get 4 restroom passes per class per nine weeks in addition to time between classes to use the restroom.
Homework Expectations
✓ Students will be expected to turn in assignments on the day that they are due.
✓ Students will have on average 2 days per week of homework in each class.
✓ Parents need to be aware that if students do not complete homework assignments the students'
grade will suffer.
✓ As a team, we will be using a text service called Remind this year. This will allow us to
communicate with you about tests, items due, field trips, etc.
✓ To receive messages from the Kodiak team via text, text @lfmskodiak to the phone number
✓ You can also follow us on twitter @LFMS_ Kodiaks and on Instagram @lf_kodiaks
✓ If you have any questions, the best way to reach us is through email. You will find all the
teachers email addresses on the school website.